Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bandana Quilt

1. Bandanas shrink a lot.

2. Bandanas shrink differently in different directions.

Those are my two items of wisdom. If I do this type of quilt again, I will prewash the bandanas before I sew them together. I didn't do that this time because I was excited to see how it came together and couldn't wait for the wash. As you can see in the picture, the edges are not real even.
I have started quilting using a simple checkerboard style. I am starting from the middle and will work my way out. I am using dark purple thread. I looks nice so far.
For the binding, I bought solid purple bandanas that I will cut into strips and fashion into a binding. I did prewash them.


Trisha said...

Thanks for showing us your cute bandana quilt! (I had to double check that I didn't type banana!) Fun idea to make a quilt with bandanas. I like how you pieced the back!

Anonymous said...

Wow - that' s a really neat idea! I've not seen anything like that before. -- Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment!

Funky Kim said...

I've got you on my reader because of LaLa, but I just realized I hadn't ever commented! Duh!

Hi! I'm Kim and Laura thinks we should be BFFs!